Lista trofei di Shining Resonance Refrain
Cos’è Shining Resonance Refrain? Se ve lo state chiedendo, state tranquilli: non siete gli unici a non conoscerlo. La serie di Shining è una di quelle che mai è uscita dal Giappone, ma che ci prova quest’anno con la versione rimasterizzata di Shining Resonance, titolo uscito nel 2014 su PlayStation 3.
In attesa della nostra recensione, vi lasciamo la lista trofei rigorosamente in inglese, visto che il titolo non sarà localizzato in italiano. Il platino non sembra particolarmente arduo, ma lungo sicuramente. La lista consta di 48 trofei, 28 di bronzo, 18 d’argento, 1 d’oro e 1 di platino. Vi ricordiamo infine che il titolo uscirà su PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One e PC il 10 luglio. Buona lettura!
- Continental Round Trip!: Visited every location on the map.
- Alchemaniac: Synthesized 50 different items or skill pieces.
- Super Synthesis: Synthesized a rare skill piece.
- The Tune Heard ‘Round the World: Collected all Tunings.
- Maestro: Raised any Tuning to the highest rank.
- Knight of Astoria: Won your first battle.
- Dragoneer, Forward!: Defeated 500 monsters.
- Dragoneer, Charge!: Defeated 1000 monsters.
- B.A.N.D. Member: Used B.A.N.D. for the first time.
- Follow The Leader!: Activated B.A.N.D. with each character as lead.
- Dragon Soul Inheriter: Used dragonshift for the first time.
- Silenced Dragon: Recovered from a dragon berserk.
- Swift Conductor: Triggered 10 advantageous encounters.
- Advancing Melody: Won a battle without taking damage.
- Sound of Silence: Won a battle with a party member incapacitated.
- First Break: Triggered a break for the first time.
- Resonance forte: Triggered a resonance 30 times.
- Force Medley: Used force abilities 100 times.
- You’re Going Down: Defeated a rare monster.
- Moonlight Prelude: Cleared Chapter 1.
- Dragoneer Etude: Cleared Chapter 2.
- Soul Canon: Cleared Chapter 3.
- Golden Sonata: Cleared Chapter 4.
- Oratorio of Betrayal: Cleared Chapter 5.
- Rhapsody of the Strong: Cleared Chapter 6.
- Fairy Elegy: Cleared Chapter 7.
- Heart to Heart: Triggered your first night event.
- First Date: Went on your first date.
- Pioneer of Alfheim: Collected 200 different materials.
- Dragoneer, Awaken!: Defeated 2000 monsters.
- Hit Maker: Achieved a 99-hit combo.
- Trance from LIVE: Won over 100 battles using dragonshift.
- Dragon Tough: Raised any party member to level 100.
- Guard Breaker: Triggered a break on blocking enemies 30 times.
- Flow Breaker: Triggered a break on casting enemies 30 times.
- Rainbow Concerto: Cleared Chapter 8.
- What is Love?: Reached Kirika’s ending.
- Noble Lovers: Reached Sonia’s enidng.
- Trust & Friendship: Reached Agnum’s ending.
- Fight for Life: Reached Lestin’s ending.
- Mutual Happiness: Reached Marion’s ending.
- A Lesson from Big Sis: Reached Rinna’s ending.
- Equals: Reached “Jinas’s” ending in Refrain Mode.
- Prelude of Love: Reached “Excella’s” ending in Refrain Mode.
- Know Others, Know Thyself: Acquired 100 different Traits.
- Wheel of Fortune: Fulfilled their wishes and spoke to the orchestrator in Refrain.
- Requiem for Our Enemies: Defeated powerful foes throughout Alfheim.
- Shining Resonance Refrain: Obtained all trophies.