Lords of the Fallen, i dettagli del nuovo aggiornamento

Il nuovo aggiornamento per il soulsborne di Hexworks introduce una serie di novità e aggiustamenti vari al gioco.

Lords of the Fallen trailer gamescom

Lords of the Fallen continua ad essere supportato con patch rilasciate da Hexworks, volte principalmente a migliorare l’esperienza di gioco messa costantemente sotto discussione da molte persone. Ora l’ultimo aggiornamento pubblicato dagli sviluppatori introduce una serie di novità e altri aggiustamenti.

Tra le note più significative della patch figurano il potenziamento dei boss non principali, i quali vedono un aumento dei danni inflitti del 10%, regolati caso per caso in modo da bilanciare la sfida, e dei PV che varia dal 10% al 20% a seconda dei progressi compiuti. In quest’ultimo l’aumento è minimo all’inizio e massimo alla fine.

In aggiunta al potenziamento dei boss è stato introdotto un nuovo sistema di agganciamento al bersaglio. Inoltre l’aggiornamento mira a bilanciare il PvE e il PvP e migliora il comparto grafico, gli effetti di luce e le collisioni con diversi elementi di gioco.

Il processo di aggiustamento di Lords of the Fallen continua

La patch rilasciata il mese scorso da Hexworks ha portato alcune sostanziali modifiche a Lords of the Fallen, non solo dal punto di vista tecnico e grafico, ma anche sul gameplay che ha diviso in due la community. Segnale che i processi di miglioramento da parte degli sviluppatori continua senza sosta.

A seguire vi lasciamo le note dell’ultima patch, ricordandovi che Lords of the Fallen è attualmente disponibile su Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 e PC.


  • Added additional precalculated PSOs to further reduce micro-stuttering throughout the game world.
  • Removed redundant collisions only on far-distance assets in the Empyrean Vista. All affected elements are out of the gameplay area.
  • Improved performance in the level art of the Upper Calrath nobles area by removing cast shadows from numerous assets without any impact on quality.
  • Optimized the Umbral level in Skyrest Bridge (Rampart and Parapet) by deleting hidden meshes and adjusting camera occlusion and pixel depth in certain meshes.
  • Second pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers. No loss in quality.
  • Second pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in the Tower of Penance. No loss in quality.


  • Increased Scarlet Shadow’s senses to ensure it acquires the player as a target even in edge cases where it spawns far away from the player.
  • Linked the Ruiner to a leashing volume to prevent him from leaving the intended encounter area in Lower Calrath.
  • Added additional collisions for enemies spawning on the floor of Skyrest Bridge.
  • Filled a missing navmesh hole in one spot of Pilgrim’s Perch to improve AI navigation.
  • Fixed an AI that was not following its patrol in the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • A very treacherous NPC now says different things when defeating the player. Still obnoxious, but with style.


  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck near a crystal in Bramis Castle.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in Anchor Between Realms.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of world in The Empyrean.
  • Fixed minor clipping issues on some stairs in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Fixed an issue with a missing wall collision in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of world in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • Adjusted moth walls to prevent players from leaving Otto’s boss encounter.
  • Adjusted the location of a chest to avoid players getting stuck in Forsaken Fen.
  • Placed blocking volume to prevent the player from jumping on a specific branch in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Fixed issues where players could skip certain areas in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Adjusted a flower bed near the Bellroom Vestige that could cause issues with gameplay.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck at a rock near the Tower of Penance.
  • Fixed an issue where players could skip the Pieta boss fight encounter by climbing up the Fire Giant’s corpse.


  • Improved player character turning animation for turning at very slow speed.
  • Added a missing base to one of the statues in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.
  • Improved the specular and brightness for several weapons and armors sets materials.
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