Crysis 3: la seconda patch disponibile su tutte le piattaforme
Crysis 3 ha ricevuto la sua prima patch di aggiornamento da Crytek. E’ già disponibile su PC, e arriverà su console prossimamente. Mentre una seconda patch, chiamata "Data Patch B"è stata rilasciata per tutte le piattaforme. Ecco di seguito i dettagli per entrambi gli aggiornamenti:
Patch 1.1
- Fix for users getting stuck in the Pinger
- Fix for Flashbang/Smoke grenade reactions not displaying in Kill Cam
- Fix for crosshair becoming invisible after certain actions
- Fixes for squads joining and disconnecting from servers
- Fix for players being unable to fire or reload occasionally
- Fix for users occasionally being able to hear VTOL damage siren constantly
- Weapons retrieved from the ground now have the correct attachments
- Fix for players getting stuck if ripping HMG off VTOL during destruction
- Fix for being unable to detonate C4 after host migration on consoles
- Fix for game not ending correctly if last opponent triggers a host migration
- Fix for issue where sometimes rip and throw weapons would not deal damage in smoke grenades
- Fix for relay in CTR becoming stuck if picking up relay during shotgun reload
- Fix for icons disappearing occasionally in CTR
- Fix for players occasionally spawning with wrong loadout in Assault (PC Only)
- Last Man Standing no longer displayed in Hunter for players that have just died
- Fixed issue with teams during host migration in Hunter/Assault
- Significant optimisation to Medium detail settings (PC Only)
- Particle optimisation (PC Only)
Data Patch B
- Melee whilst sliding damage reduced to match patch A’s melee damage
- Typhoon mid range damage reduction
- Bow sensitivity reduced to match Assault Scope values on PS3/X360 as they have similar zoom values. PC remains as before
- SCAR+Laser long distance effectiveness reduced.
- Threat Awareness module levelling targets reduced to 3/10 enemy C4′s destroyed
- Potential fix for “Incoming!” Skill Assessment not levelling up correctly
- Fix for Social Challenge skill assessments not being tracked correctly
- The bottom left of your multiplayer screen should read “[ ONLINE ] [ PATCH_B ]” indicating that the update has been applied. If not, re-enter multiplayer until it is present.
Fonte MP1st.
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