Lista trofei di Shadow of the Colossus per PlayStation 4
Ed è diversa da quella della remastered per PlayStation 3!
Il nuovo remake di Shadow of the Colossus per PlayStation 4 è in imminente arrivo e, in questi giorni, è trapelata la lista trofei del titolo, sorprendentemente diversa da quella della remastered per PlayStation 3.
Vi riportiamo la lista inglese qua sotto, composta da 38 trofei (25 di bronzo, 7 d’argento, 5 d’oro e 1 di platino) ricordandovi che potrebbero esserci (ossia, ci sono) spoiler di trama. Fate attenzione!
- Sword of Her Majesty: Defeat any Colossus with Queen Sword.
- Paint the Target: Use the Sword to Focus on a Vital Point.
- Fruit of the Land: Eat a Piece of Fruit.
- Skilled Warrior: Defeat a Colossus with a Downward Jump Stab.
- The Past that Defines Thee: Defeat any Colossi While in Reminescence Mode.
- Five-Lined Skink: Collect a Silver Lizard Tail.
- Animals of the Land: Interact with a Dove, Hawk, Fish and Turtle.
- Boon of the Nomad: Find Barrel in Hidden Cave.
- Trick Arrow Skills: Shoot a Lizard with a Special Arrow.
- Valley of the Wanderer: Defeat the 1st Colossus.
- The Mammoth: Defeat the 2nd Colossus.
- Wake the Knight: Defeat the 3rd Colossus.
- Land of the Gravestones: Defeat the 4th Colossus.
- Riding the Wind: Defeat the 5th Colossus.
- Tomb of the Giant: Defeat the 6th Colossus.
- Waves of Lightning: Defeat the 7th Colossus.
- Scaler of the Colosseum: Defeat the 8th Colossus.
- Lurker of the Cave: Defeat the 9th Colossus.
- Mistery in the Sand: Defeat the 10th Colossus.
- Guardian and the Pit: Defeat the 11th Colossus.
- Thunder of the Lake: Defeat the 12th Colossus.
- Signs amidst the Storm: Defeat the 13th Colossus.
- Shield of the Colossus: Defeat the 14th Colossus.
- Valley of the Fallen: Defeat the 15th Colossus.
- Last of the Colossus: Defeat the 16th Colossus.
- Reach the Gate: Cross the Bridge to the Entrance of the Forbidden Lands.
- Last Man Standing: Complete a Single Playthrough without dying once.
- Bearer of the Curse: Complete the Game on any Difficulty.
- Dormin’s Rage: Use Dormin’s Breath Attack.
- Seeking Salvation: Pray at all Shrines.
- Trick Rider: Perform all stunts with Agro.
- Fruit of the Garden: Taste the Poisoned Fruit.
- Speed King: Obtain all Time Attack Items together as one set.
- Intrepid Mortal: Max out Wander’s Health and Stamina bars.
- Speed Demon: Complete Hard Mode under 5:41:28 s.
- Grounded Scaler: Defeat Colossus 8 before it can turn back over.
- Resist the Wrist: Defeat Colossus 3 without breaking his wrist guard.
- The Horned Boy: Acquired all trophies.
Vi ricordiamo che Shadow of the Colossus è in uscita, in esclusiva PlayStation 4, il 6 febbraio.
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