Svelati i video della Alan Wake’s Hunt for the Light

Gamesource svela ai fan i video bonus della Alan Wake’s Hunt for the Light. Ricordiamo ai fan che questo evento, organizzato da Remedy Entertainment per promuovere l’imminente uscita dell’attesissimo Alan Wake (in esclusiva su Xbox 360), permette ai partecipanti di vincere un viaggio in Finlandia in visita ai Remedy Studios e di scoprire nuovi esclusivi indizi rispondendo correttamente alle domande del gioco. Per maggiori informazioni sulla Hunt for the Light e sul caso Bright Falls vi rimandiamo a questa news.

Ecco qui di seguito i video in questione, seguiti dal testo visualizzato in video.

"I stepped into the gas station’s garage. It was dark and quiet, the place was a mess, it looked like someone trashed the place, or that there’d been some kind of fight. Light spilled into the room through an open door at the back, and I made my way toward it.
Without any warning, I was blinded by a bright light. An old portable TV on the shelf had come alive by itself. Impossibly, I could see myself on the screen, talking like a madman."

"The bulldozer’s engine roared to life. Mud and rocks flews as in fought for traction. It crashed the concrete wall and landed heavily in the yard.
If it were an animal, it would’ve shakened its head after the impact, fixed his eyes on me, and charged. Of course, it had no head, nor eyes; shadows crawled on its form, twisting it into a monster.
Then, he came for me."

"The night had been one desperate situation after another. I was exhausted and my body felt as though it had been shoved up and spat out.
The flashlight was heavy in my hand, and each pull of the trigger sent a painful shock up my arm. But I was finally out of the woods and things were looking up.
That’s when I heard the chainsaw."

"At the last ensign I changed direction and threw myself down; the axe splittered the trunk of a tree.
I stumbled into the pool of bright light. My lungs burned: I was too exhausted to move. I tensed as I waited for the killing blow, but it never came. I raised my head. Nothing moved on the darkness beyond.
For the moment, bathed in the cold light, I was safe.

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