Runes of Magic – Skill Elite livello 25

Le skill elite di venticinquesimo livello si possono imparare fuori dalla Forsaken Abbey utilizzando i cristalli ottenuti dai dungeon al suo interno.


Skill combinate con Knight come classe primaria:



BLIND STAB MASTERY – Increases the duration of your Blind Stab by 5 seconds BUT REDUCES IT’S EFFECTIVENESS BY 50%



LIGHTNING ARMOR – 30 wind damage to all targets that attack you, doesn’t affect critical hits.
Costo in Mana: 30
Cast Time: Instant
Duration: 10 minutes
Migliorabile: +9 damage and +3 mana cost per grade



HOLY PROTECTION – Reduces the target’s aggro rate by "X"% for 10 min.
Costo in Mana: ?
Range: 150
Migliorabile: ?



DEADLY WHIRLWIND – Whirlwind Rage cost is reduced by 10 points, CD is reduced by 20 seconds, adds a 10 second deadly wound effect, and effectiveness of healing received by the target is reduced by 30%.



HOLY LOCKS – Locks your target for 10 seconds. (Can only be used on undead and demons)

Costo in Mana: 28
Range: 150
Cast: Instant
Migliorabile: +.4 sec duration and +2 mana cost per grade

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