Annunciati i requisiti hardware di Street Fighter X Tekken
Capcom ha svelato i requisiti di sistema per la versione PC di Street Fighter x Tekken, in uscita l’11 maggio prossimo.
Requisiti minimi ( per una risoluzione 800×600 a 30 FPS):
- OS: Windows XP.
- HDD: 10GB of free space (or more).
- CPU: Intel Dual Core 1.8GHz (or higher) or AMD Athlon II X2 (or higher).
- RAM: 1GB (or higher).
- Video Card: DirectX 9.0c / Shader3.0 or higher compatible nVidia GF6600 (or higher) or ATi X1600 (or higher) with 256MB of RAM.
- Sound: DirectSound compatible, DirectX 9.0c (or higher) compatible.
- Input Devices: Mouse, Keyboard.
Requisiti Raccomandati (per una risoluzione 1280×720, a 60 FPS):
- OS: Windows Vista.
- HDD: 10GB of free space (or more).
- CPU: Intel Core2 Duo 2.60GHz (or higher) or AMD Phenom II X2 (or higher).
- RAM: 2GB (or more).
- Video Card: DirectX 9.0c / Shader3.0 or higher compatible nVidia GF8800 (or higher).
- Sound: DirectSound compatible, DirectX 9.0c (or higher) compatible.
- Input Devices: Gamepad (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended).
La versione PC supporterà la tecnologia NVidia 3D vision, ma non le librerie DirectX11. Previsto il DRM di Games for Windows Live per l’attivazione online.
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